Collection 06 · Freshness

Collage de cuadros veraniegos de Lori Mehta, mostrando momentos frescos y relajados que inspiran la moda sostenible de CRUCA.

FRESHNESS Inspiration

This collection is inspired by the freshness that the painter’s paintings
Lori Mehta pass me on. Her paintings fill me with energy, where he captures brushstroke after brushstroke perfectly on summer and beach days.

This collection is designed for hot days, in which we need that our body is covered with dresses with Japanese and minimalist airs. With cotton flowered blouses. We have also used recycled denim fabric again. Garments for women and men.

Collection that will be made to order each garment.

Thanks to all of you who have participated in bringing these sentimental garments to light.

Cruces de las Morenas

Complementos de tela

En esta colección, vuelvo a utilizar tejido para hacer sombreros y bolsos unisex.

Thanks also to our photographer, makeup artist, assistant and models:

Photography: @adrianamartiphoto
Makeup: @_lu_deg
Models: @flavia_colegrove @juanramonmoino @martapieltain

Assistant: @luggasmpg

These garments will be made to order.

More information at or at our Espacio Atella Showroom in Psj. Pradillo, 22, 28002 Madrid. Spain.
